Many archaeological heritage sites in Canada close for the winter season, which, in the case of L'Anse aux Meadows, can span from October to the end of May, resulting in a very limited tourist season. But what can be done to allow visitors access to archaeological sites year round, despite cold winds and snow?
Last week I had the opportunity to visit the many museums of Montreal, including t
The floor was covered with a metal grate so there was no chance of tripping over lose stones and it provided a path which directed the visitor where to go. One of the things the museum succeeded at was propelling the visitor back in time. In various parts of the exhibition, technology and models were utilized to show what you would be looking at if you were standing in the exact same spot hundreds of years ago. The Montreal Museum of Archaeology and History exposed visitors to an actual archaeological site and gave people an idea of what an excavation could look like; something not a lot of museums can offer.
The one problem I had with the museum was the placing of signage. Sometimes it was too far away or placed far down, with a small font. Many times I found myself straining to figure out the significance of the brick wall at which I was staring. Also, the sound at the interactive stations was very loud and, at times, alarming.
Nevertheless, it was still an enjoyable and unique experience. Obviously building a museum on top of an archaeological site required tremendous foresight and provides many problems, including the need to protect the site during construction and finding the budget to undertake such a large project. But an arrangement like the one found at the Montreal Museum of Archaeology and History can protect an archaeological dig from the elements and be available to visitors year-round, even during cold February days.
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